One of the things that we hear most often from therapists is that managing the “business-side” of their practice is actually the hardest part of being an independent business owner. Some have even (re)joined larger therapist groups because the back office work kept them from really enjoying the best part of their practice – the cherished time in session with clients. That won’t be your story! We’re going to share some great alternatives to the typical outsource, merge , or (re)join a larger practice solutions to this all too common challenge.
Therapists handle everything from finding new clients and doing intake, to scheduling, delivering treatment, billing (payment collection) and a whole lot more. To better understand, we interviewed successful, therapy professionals who actively use PocketSuite.
They highlighted 5 common challenges:
1. Awkwardness of asking for payment: Asking for payments is a weird part of the professional – client relationship, especially one that requires a huge amount of vulnerability.
2. Late cancellations / missed appointments: Most Pros work with adults that have equally busy schedule, meeting work deadlines, picking children up from school, taking care of aging parents. In the midst of all that, priorities sometimes change and many sometimes have to cancel last minute or forget and miss the appointment entirely. Either way, it’s a loss.
3. Lots of follow-up: It can be tricky to remember to followup properly and quickly with clients after an appointment because of the need to shift focus to preparing for and serving their next client.
4. Endless contracts, forms, and paperwork: It’s important for new clients to complete all of the liability waivers, consent forms, and other intake materials, but it’s not always clear to them why. It takes time and patience to walk them through the documents and explain the significance so they really understand what they are signing.
5. Too Many Apps to Deal With: Many use a scheduling system, a payment platform, a note taking app, excel/google sheets, and text messaging to stay organized… it truly is a juggling act.
Did any of that sound familiar? If so, we totally understand. We are going to walk you through how PocketSuite seamlessly addresses those issues. It makes it easy and efficient for Pros to get booked and paid by existing clients as well as find new clients.

Solutions to these Common Problems
“My time is for my clients not for paperwork.” – Dr. Sue P.
- Automated Payments
- There are over 10 ways to process a payment on PocketSuite. Many therapists find the best solution is to require credit card when confirming recurring appointments (a series of repeating appointments). The PocketSuite system encrypts and stores client payment information and their card can be charged after each appointment. No awkwardness. No payment delays. No kidding.
- Scheduled Appointment Reminders
- PocketSuite is the only mobile first, business management app for therapists. Studies show that text messages have a 90% open rate vs. 40% or less email open rates. Most people check their phones obsessively throughout the day, so text based appointment reminders are never missed. When therapists use scheduled reminders, they see a 3x decline in client’s missing appointments . Therapists simply set how many hours or days before each appointment they want reminders to go out to their clients and PocketSuite takes care of the rest. The appointment reminder messages include dynamic field options… in English that means they can be personalized automatically to include your client’s name, appointment date, etc.:)
- Followup Messages
- As a therapist, we understand that the relationship you develop with your clients is sacred. Open and consistent communication is an important part of sustaining the relationship. Much like scheduled appointment reminders, therapists schedule personalized messages to be sent on specific dates following client appointments. There are so many ways to use this feature, whether as a simple thank you… a reminder to schedule their next appointment… or a description of homework they should engage in before their next session.
- Contracts & Forms
- With Pocketsuite, therapists can import client forms & contracts. Before an appointment, they text the contract or form to the client and the client can fill it out and e-sign it on any device (mobile or desktop). The contract or form is stored in the client’s profile within the app and can be printed and accessed anytime. Client’s typically complete and sign contracts and forms within 24 hours of receiving them on PocketSuite. Now before clients show up for their first appointment, they have already completed all of the intake materials. Most therapists love this feature because it saves them hours of time that they would otherwise spend emailing, faxing, printing, and filing paperwork.
- One Integrated App
- For all your essential business needs, PocketSuite has everything a therapist needs for their business. PocketSuite is HIPAA compliant, which means all client records are always securely and permanently stored. Pocketsuite offers a simple data export to support therapists come tax time. They or their accountants can easily import that data into Quickbooks. PocketSuite has so much more to offer therapists, including extensive appointment and notes features that is automatically, securely saved within client profiles; a dedicated HIPAA compliant business line; repeat appointments to make scheduling even easier; income and client reports to track performance; options for therapists with a team; and much, much more! Check out the dozens of other features that we offer you, your business and your clients.
PocketSuite has thousands of therapists who all started where you are right now. Our community of therapists are always happy to help you ramp up, grow your client base, and achieve your income goals, both within the app and as part of our exclusive Facebook Community Group. PocketSuite’s vision is for any therapist to be able to work for themselves and make a great living. It starts here. It starts with you. It starts today. Let’s get started, download PocketSuite now! Feel free to reach out with any questions (we’d love to hear from you)! Text us @ (415) 841-2300