Here’s how to attend esthetician school online

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Are you dreaming of going to beauty school but don’t have the time? Good news: You can go to an esthetician school online. Online esthetician schools offer high-quality training on your terms. The trick is finding an online program that meets both your state licensing requirements and your schedule.

We tell you everything you need to know about online esthetician schools and put together a list of esthetician programs that you can attend online. 

esthetician school online

Can you attend esthetician school online? 

Yes, absolutely. Many beauty schools offer online esthetician programs. The caveat is that most online esthetician schools are hybrid programs, so a part of your course will be in person. In hybrid programs, students usually complete esthetics theory courses online and practical application of skin treatments in a classroom or student clinic. 

In-person training is essential to mastering esthetic techniques and obtaining your state license. So don’t expect to evade it entirely. Still, you can take some of the pressure (and time) out of esthetician training with hybrid programs.

Important: Make sure you do research and verify that a program meets your state’s licensing requirements before enrolling! Also, if none of these programs are available in your area, check out our esthetician training directory for more great options.

Here are seven beauty schools that offer online esthetician programs.

#1 Elaine Sterling Institute 

The Elaine Sterling Institute offers a hybrid esthetician training course. Students can learn theory online and complete hands-on applications on campus. They use an online education platform with live instruction to teach and manage the theory portion of the program. You get self-paced learning from the comfort of your own home.

Expect to learn everything you would in a traditional esthetician program, including:

  • Body treatments
  • Hair removal
  • Spa business practices
  • Makeup 
  • Medical concepts 
  • Tools like microdermabrasion, ultrasonic scrubbers, infrared lamps

This hybrid esthetician training program offers 1,000 total training hours over nine months or more. Students can expect to pay about $18,900 for tuition and supplies. The Elaine Sterling Institute is a highly respected beauty school based in Atlanta, Georgia. They also offer barbering, cosmetology, massage, and nail care programs. 

#2 Skin Perfect Academy 

Skin Perfect Academy offers advanced esthetician training and makeup artistry programs. They have a number of fully online and hybrid esthetics courses. Aspiring estheticians and seasoned pros can try out their:

  • Advanced esthetics boot camp for six weeks of immersion in skin analysis, treatment, and client building. It’s a good option for a spa team.
  • Clinical esthetics hybrid course for a combination of online theory and hands-on application of hydro dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, and more. 
  • Brow master class to hone your brow shaping, lamination, and waxing skills.   
  • Chemical peel training to learn how to properly select, prep, and treat complications from chemical peels. 
  • And much more! 

Students should expect to pay anywhere from $150-$2000 per online course. Skin Perfect Academy is based in Gahanna, Ohio.

#3 Dolly Monroe Beauty Academy

The Dolly Monroe Beauty Academy offers a hybrid esthetics program for aspiring estheticians or pros looking to level up their skills. Their hybrid program offers 300 hours of training over 20 weeks. 

If you you attend this esthetician school online, you get hands-on instruction in esthetic techniques and the opportunity to build a portfolio of their work. You leave with the skills necessary to navigate the competitive beauty industry. The Dolly Monroe Beauty Academy is based in Tampa, Florida. 

Note: Be sure to check if the curriculum and training hours align with your state’s licensing requirements. For example, in Florida, a general cosmetologist must complete at least 1,200 hours of training to receive a license, but a facial specialist only needs to complete 220 hours of training to register. 

#4 3D Lash and Brow  

3D Lash and Brow offers a number of beauty programs approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration (TDLR), including cosmetology, esthetics, manicure, and specialty lash licenses. 

It’s unclear whether their TDLR-approved programs have hybrid or fully online options. However, they do offer other separate online courses and certifications in specialties like brow lamination and teeth whitening. These may be a good option for licensed estheticians who want to add a specialty service to their spa.

esthetician school online

#5 Touched by an Angel Beauty School

Touched by an Angel Beauty School offers hybrid cosmetology programs. They’re a good option if you need a balance between esthetics training, family, and your full-time career. If you attend this esthetician school online, you get to dive deep into their cosmetology careers without the hassle of fully-person programs.

Students can choose from the following:

  • A cosmetology hybrid program, where you learn hair styling, nail, and skin techniques over 1,500 hours of training. Students participate in online instruction and hands-on practice and get experience in the student salon.
  • A hybrid nail technology program that TBA claims gives you the skills and training hours necessary to receive your license and take on the nail industry.  
  • The esthetician training program with 1,000 hours of training completely online. It’s self-paced and coursework is available 24/7. You may also have the option for in-person training at the end of your program. TBA claims it meets the requirements for a state licensing exam (but do your due diligence).

They also have hybrid beauty programs in makeup and barbering. Touched By an Angel Beauty School and Salon is based in Jonesboro, GA. 

#6 Accent Beauty Academy 

Accent Beauty Academy offers a hybrid esthetics training program for anyone who wants to become a licensed esthetician in Colorado. The course consists of 150 hours in theory, which can be done online, and 450 hours of hands-on skincare practice. Students learn:

  • Face and skin care
  • Makeup Artistry
  • Hair removal
  • Business management, sanitation, and much more! 

Students can expect to pay around $9000 for tuition and a student kit. Accent Beauty Academy is based in Denver, Colorado.

#7 Cosmotek College

Cosmotek College’s esthetics program can be taken in person or through a hybrid course. Esthetician students can complete 300 hours online and 300 hours on campus. Along with standard health, safety, and legal training, students dive into a number of esthetician disciplines, including:

  • Waxing
  • Chemical peels
  • Deemaplanjng
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Lash techniques 

Cosmotek College claims that its programs prepare you to earn a California esthetician license. Cosmotek College is based in Hayward, California. 

esthetician school online

Enroll Today!

Online esthetician schools make it easier to reach your goal of becoming a licensed esthetician. There are a number of hybrid esthetician programs. Just make sure they meet your state’s licensing requirements before you enroll or pay tuition. If none of the above schools are available in your area, check out our esthetician training directory for more great options.

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