Working For Yourself In Houston: How Much Can You Make?

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How Much Money Can I Make Working For Myself? 

It’s hard to know before launching your own business how much money you can make working on your own. Real number comparisons can help entrepreneurs push themselves and realize their dreams.

In this series, we are sharing how much PocketSuite Pros are making in different cities and this month we are focused on the great bayou city of Houston, Texas. What follows is all real data about what people are making working for themselves doing everything from wedding planning to life coaching. 

We will also break down average earnings with three popular self-employed industries in Houston: pet professionals, beauty professionals and fitness professionals.

Houston Metro Area

How much can you make working for yourself in Houston? We pulled some data from solopreneurs in Houston. Turns out, Houston is a great city to be your own boss.

On average, Houston self-employed Pros that are using PocketSuite are making $71,202 per year. The top 10% of solopreneurs in Houston made over $122,427 in 2021. 

These solopreneurs came from 67 different industries ranging from dog walkers to yoga teachers. They earned money from booking clients, filling classes and selling add-on retail products. 

In our next sections we will start breaking down these numbers within a few popular industries. 

Houston: Spotlight on The Beauty Industry and Estheticians 

The beauty industry in Houston is a self-employment leader in Houston and pros in this industry are making great money. In particular, estheticians are outperforming the average self-employed business in Houston. 

On average, estheticians in Houston who use the PocketSuite app made $76,648 in 2021. The top 10% of estheticians made a whopping $170,335. The income from estheticians reflects clients booking sessions for facials and other services as well as retail products.

Houston: Spotlight on Pet Professionals

Pros in the pet profession have an unusual amount of passion for their work and report a high amount of life satisfaction and happiness.

But the lifestyle isn’t the only reason to work for yourself in the pet industry in Houston. The money is great too, especially for dog trainers using the PocketSuite app in Houston. 

On average, dog trainers in Houston who use the PocketSuite app made $139,208 in 2021. The top 10% did a whopping $330,918. 

A lot of dog trainers saw their incomes rise in 2021 as much of their business thrived in a remote setting. Not only could they address clients and their dogs around the country, but dog training often became more effective over video meetings because it forced the owner to build a relationship with their dog using proven techniques rather than just hand the leash to the trainer and expect the dog to learn. 

To serve these dog trainers and other pros who use Zoom as an ever bigger part of their independent business, PocketSuite now offers a full Zoom integration as an option with their automated bookings and scheduling system.

Houston: Spotlight on Fitness Trainers

The Bayou City has a great market for people looking to get fit and independent fitness professionals using the PocketSuite app are seeing the rewards. 

On average Fitness Trainers in Houston using the PocketSuite app are earning $78,451. The top 10% of PocketSuite’s community of fitness trainers are earning $144,547.

Overall, Houston’s community of fitness trainers is well outperforming the national average. Houston is a great town to make a career out of the gym. 

Overall: Working for Yourself in Houston

Houston is a great city to work for yourself. Solopreneurs are thriving and, at least the ones on PocketSuite, are well outperforming the median Houston income of $29,259 according to the US Census Bureau. 

If you live in Houston, Texas and are thinking of taking the leap and starting your own business, or taking the one you already have to the next level, your dream is attainable.