Virginia Physical Therapist Licensing

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Virginia Licensing Overview for a Physical Therapist

Licensing for a physical therapist in Virginia is controlled by the Virginia Board of Physical Therapy .

General Guidelines for a Physical Therapist in Virginia

Follow state requirements to perform physical therapist services and be sure to check local governing rules and regulations as well.

Who’s allowed to perform these services?

Physical Therapist

General requirements for a physical therapist license?

• An applicant for licensure who is a graduate of an approved program shall submit documented evidence of his graduation from such a program.
• Documentation of having met the board’s educational requirements.
• Submit the required application, fees and credentials to the board
• Pass the national examination and provide proof as prescribed by the board.

What’s the state licensing site for a physical therapist?

Virginia Board of Physical Therapy

What are some training programs available for a physical therapist?

See training programs

How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?

Check with local governing body for updated details.

What are fees associated with licensing?

Check with local governing body for updated details.