Pennsylvania Physical Therapist Licensing

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Pennsylvania Licensing Overview for a Physical Therapist

Licensing for a physical therapist in Pennsylvania is controlled by the Pennsylvania State Board of Physical Therapy .

General Guidelines for a Physical Therapist in Pennsylvania

Specific requirements to perform physical therapist services can generally be used as a guideline, but make sure to check with your local governing rules and regulations.

Who’s allowed to perform these services?

Physical Therapist

General requirements for a physical therapist license?

• Is at least 20 years of age, unless otherwise waived upon application to and review by the Board.
• Is of good moral character.
• Is not addicted to alcohol, narcotics or other habit forming drugs.
• Has met the professional requirements relating to education for licensure by examination.
• The applicant shall apply on forms supplied by the Board, answer all questions fully and provide all documentation required under subsection (a).
• Pay the fee in for application for physical therapist licensure by examination/endorsement.

What’s the state licensing site for a physical therapist?

Pennsylvania State Board of Physical Therapy

What are some training programs available for a physical therapist?

See training programs

How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?

License expires biennially

What are fees associated with licensing?
