West Virginia Licensing Overview for a Painter
Licensing for a painter in West Virginia is controlled by the West Virginia Division of Labor.
General Guidelines for a Painter in West Virginia
Specific requirements to perform painter services are set by the state’s labor division. Also check your local governing rules and regulations.
Who’s allowed to perform these services?
General requirements for a painter license?
You need to be licensed in the state if your projects amount to more than $1,000. The license is issued by the West Virginia Division of Labor. The website linked below outlines additional requirements to obtain a license.
What’s the state licensing site for a painter?
West Virginia Division of Labor
What are some training programs available for a painter?
How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?
Check with local governing body for updated details.
What are fees associated with licensing?
Check with local governing body for updated details.