Oregon Physical Therapist Licensing

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Oregon Licensing Overview for a Physical Therapist

Licensing for a physical therapist in Oregon is controlled by the Oregon Physical Therapist Licensing Board .

General Guidelines for a Physical Therapist in Oregon

Specific requirements to perform physical therapist services can generally be used as a guideline, but make sure to check with your local governing rules and regulations.

Who’s allowed to perform these services?

Physical Therapist

General requirements for a physical therapist license?

• Be at least 18 years of age.
• Be of good moral character as determined by the Physical Therapist Licensing Board.
• Be a graduate of an accredited professional physical therapy education program approved by the board; or
• Have military experience or training that the board determines is substantially equivalent to the education required by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
• Pass to the satisfaction of the board an examination approved by the board to determine the fitness of the applicant to practice as a physical therapist or to be entitled to be licensed as provided in ORS 688.080. An applicant for licensure as a physical therapist who does not pass the examination on the first attempt may retake the examination as provided by rules adopted by the board.

What’s the state licensing site for a physical therapist?

Oregon Physical Therapist Licensing Board

What are some training programs available for a physical therapist?

See training programs

How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?

License expires annually.

What are fees associated with licensing?
