International TaeKwon-Do Association (ITA)

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An Overview of International TaeKwon-Do Association (ITA)

The International Tae Kwon Do Association includes individuals, instructors and masters committed to the training of those who wish to learn, teach, as well as advance in rank in Tae Kwon Do. The ITA is a non-political Tae Kwon Do association.

How to Join International TaeKwon-Do Association (ITA)

To become an ITA Member submit the following:

• ITA Individual Application For Membership and Fee
• Photocopy of your current Certificate of Rank

The individual application for membership form can be downloaded on the website linked below. Mail in your application, fee, and copy of your certificate of rank. For faster processing send a Postal Money Order. Once you are accepted and your application is processed, you’ll receive your ITA Certificate of Rank and your ITA Rank and Identification Card.

Resources for International TaeKwon-Do Association (ITA)

Location: P.O. Box 281, Grand Blanc, Michigan 48480



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