New Jersey Physical Therapist Licensing

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New Jersey Licensing Overview for a Physical Therapist

Licensing for a physical therapist in New Jersey is controlled by the New Jersey State Board of Physical Therapy .

General Guidelines for a Physical Therapist in New Jersey

Follow state requirements to perform physical therapist services, but also check with your local governing rules and regulations.

Who’s allowed to perform these services?

Physical Therapist

General requirements for a physical therapist license?

To be eligible for licensure as a physical therapist, an applicant shall:

• Have completed a program in physical therapy from an accredited college or university which has been approved by the board
• Successfully complete a written examination approved by the board
• Possess at least a master’s degree from an accredited college or university, except for an applicant who prior to January 1, 2003, possessed a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university
• Have satisfactory experience, in accordance with regulations of the board;
•Be at least 18 years old
•Be of good moral character
•Meet any other requirements as may be established by the board.

What’s the state licensing site for a physical therapist?

New Jersey State Board of Physical Therapy

What are some training programs available for a physical therapist?

See training programs

How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?

License expired every first year of the biennial renewal period.

What are fees associated with licensing?
