Bronze Intake Form
This form serves as a request of services and does not require payment at the time of completion. Filling out this form does not guarantee services at the time of submission. A trainer will be in contact with you for official scheduling and payment.
Client Name:*
Address (include city and state) *
How can we best contact you? Text or e-mail*
Dogs Name:*
Dogs Breed:*
Dogs Size:*
Dogs Age:*
Names of those participating in training (Humans)*
Describe the goals you would like to reach by the end of training for your dog(s): Be specific *
What does your dogs current meal routine look like? *
Is your dog motivated by food or treats? *
Does your dog like to play? If so, what do they like to play and what toy do they like to play with? *
What are your dog’s current behavioral problems that you feel are a roadblock in living the ideal life you envisioned with your dog? *
What are YOUR personal roadblocks that you feel are preventing you from achieving the ideal life you’ve envisioned with your dog? *
Do you understand that all dogs respond differently to training and that the majority of training success depends on the human end of the leash? *
Do you commit to learning and growing alongside your dog(s) during this process?*
Do you understand that success with lesson style training is dependent on the amount of training put in by the owner outside of lessons? *
Do you utilize a crate with your dog? If so, when and how does your dog respond to being crated?*
Do you understand that successful training may be dependent on giving up some privileges and routines that you currently have with your dog?*
Are you willing to give up some things (temporarily or permanently) in order to reach the goals you have specified? *
Anything else we should know about your dog?