A questionnaire to help me understand your dog’s behavior. Please be as specific as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: We have to say some legal stuff. Please bear with us. Completion of this form does not guarantee a spot in our program. We may have a waiting list, or we may believe it is best for you to be referred elsewhere. We reserve the right to refuse service.
WE DO NOT use the online booking app offered by Pocketsuite when you submit this form, so please do not download it for use with our services. We will book each session at the end of the previous session.
Please give a brief description of your dog's behavior when you are walking them.*
Please check any that coincided with the start of the behavior :*
Please elaborate if necessary
What, if anything, has been done to address the behavior?
If steps have been taken to address the problem, did your dog's behavior improve, get worse, or stay the same?
If your dog has threatened or bitten another dog, please check all that apply
If your dog has threatened or bit a person please select all that apply:
Bite to humans other or further description:
Which of the following describes your feelings about your dog's behavior issue?*
If other, please elaborate: