Feline History
Feline History and Behavior Intake
Where did you get your cat?*
Any previous history that you know?*
Please describe behavior you wish to resolve*
When did you first notice a behavior change*
Is the behavior predictable? please explain*
How often is the behavior occurring?*
Have you ever had this behavior with another pet?*
Any changes to your home lately?*
What steps have you taken to prevent behavior *
How often do you interactively play with your cat*
Please list all pets. (age, sex, breed, species)
Have you considered any of the following *
How do you praise your cat*
How do you reprimand the cat*
Have you sought advice for this behavior before*
Please describe the typical day for your cat*
Please describe playtime with the Cat*
Do you have pet insurance *
How would you describe your cat at the vet*
Is cat urinating or defecating outside of the box*
What elimination is occurring INside the box
What material is cat soiling on
Where is your cat eliminating
Have you noticed any cat discomfort eliminating
How often you fully empty box and replace litter
How would you describe the elimination
Is your cat scratching your belongings*
What is the scratcher made of
What style are the scratches
How often does the cat use the scratcher
What is being scratched that you don't like
Does your cat have a nail care regimen
Is your cat displaying aggression *
Where is the aggression directed
When does the aggression occur
Anything else important you want to say
I understand media sharing agreement*
I understand 24 cancellation policy*
I understand "no show" policy*
I understand this file will be shared with my vet*