Are you 18 years of age or older? *
Your interest in Red Rock K9 is appreciated. Have you reviewed our Red Rock K9 Advantage page highlighting our Top Level breeding program?*
Have you reviewed our Training Program Advantage page?*
Have you had a chance to review our Invest in the Best page, which includes pricing information?*
Have you had a chance to review our Testimonials page?*
Are you interested in a puppy or adult?*
Interested in male or female dog?
Do you have a color preference ?
Do you live in home or apartment?
Do you have a fenced yard?
How many other dogs do you have?
You or family members have allergy to dogs?
Your plan keeping the dog while at work?
Plan of where dog goes while out of town?
Main reasons for wanting a German Shepherd?
Why are you a good canidate for a RRK9?