Wait List Intake
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. We'll get back to you shortly to let you know our upcoming availability. We look forward to meeting you!
Guardian's Name*
Contact number*
Email address*
How did you hear about us?*
Dog's Name*
Age/Sex/Neutered or Spayed Y or N/Birthday or Gotcha Day*
How long has your dog been in your home?*
Breed (if mixed, please list breeds if known)*
Describe your dog's daily routine*
How many hours a day is your dog left alone?*
What does your dog do when you're gone from the house?*
Have you done any training with your dog, or had they done any before you adopted them? Where did you do the training? Can you describe the basic approach you learned to train your dog?*
Do you feel you got the results you were looking for?*
What three things do you love most about your dog?*
Does your dog have any phobias/fears (such as loud noises, open spaces, other dogs, confinement, etc)?*
Does your dog perform any unwanted or so-called "nuisance" behaviors? What are they?*
What made you reach out to us for training assistance?*
Why do you want to work with us specifically?*
What would you like to be able to do with your dog after you work with us?*
Have you scheduled a consultation with us? Consults are required for all new clients and will help you get a jumpstart on your goals.*
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