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Black Collar K9 Academy, LLC
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Training Application Form
How did you hear about us?:*
Current ages and number of family members living in home:*
Dogs Name:*
Dogs Age:*
Breed (or best guess):*
Dogs Weight:*
Is your dog spayed/neutered?:*
Where did you get your dog?:*
How long have you had your dog?:*
How many other pets in the household?:*
Do you utilize a boarding company, dog walker, or groomer?:*
What veterinary clinic do you use?:*
Please list any medical issues or allergies your dog has:*
Please list any current medications or supplements your dog takes:*
Is your dog on heartworm prevention?:*
Is your dog on flea/tick preventatives?:*
How much, how often, and what do you feed your dog?:*
What are your training goals and expectations from Black Collar K9 Academy?:*
Please explain any prior training your dog has received:*
Is your dog crate trained?:*
Explain any issues, if any, surrounding the crate:*
Is your dog potty trained?:*
Explain any issues, if any, surrounding potty training:*
Does your dog have freedom to roam around your house?:*
Does your dog have freedom to roam around your yard or property?:*
Is your dog allowed on furniture?:*
How does your dog walk on a leash?:*
How often do you walk your dog?:*
Please describe any collars or harnesses you use, or have used in the past. How did it effect your dog?:*
Does your dog meet other dogs on leash?:*
If your dog DOES meet dogs while ON leash, please describe what usually happens.:*
Does your dog meet other dogs while OFF leash? Please explain how that goes:*
Do you take your dog to dog parks?:*
Is your dog allowed to socialize with other dogs?:*
If so, how does your dog react with other dogs?:*
How does your dog react to strangers or other people approaching you, your home, car, etc.?:*
How does your dog react to loud noises or fast movements?:*
Is your dog possessive over any items such as food, toy, people, places?:*
If yes to any possession issues, please describe.:
Has your dog ever growled at a human?:*
If yes, please describe all incidents of growling at a human:
Has your dog ever snapped at or bitten a human or other dog?:*
If yes, please describe all incidents of snapping at or biting a human or other dog?:
Does your dog OBSESSIVELY (chew(on themselves/you), bark, spin, dig, etc.)*
If so, please explain:
Are there ANY behavioral issues with your dog that you'd really like to focus on or address?:*
What are your dog's BEST qualities and what does your dog love to do the most?:*
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