A thirty-minute massage is perfect for concentrating on a specific problem area like a kink in your neck or sore lower back. On the other hand, if your goals focus on stress management, a thirty-minute massage can be a great way to fit self-care into your routine. A typical thirty-minute massage includes the neck, shoulders, lower back, and hips, but the areas addressed and techniques used will vary based on your goals, preferences, and progress.
A sixty-minute massage is excellent for addressing more than one problem area. However, if your goal is stress management, it is the perfect length of time for a relaxing full-body massage. A typical sixty-minute massage includes the back, neck, shoulders, hips, legs, feet, arms, hands, and scalp, but the areas addressed and techniques used will vary based on your goals, preferences, and progress.
A pregnancy massage is perfect for pregnant people who are far enough along to be unable to lay flat. A pregnancy massage is sixty minutes and uses specific positioning and support to ensure the safety of the pregnant person. A typical pregnancy massage is a full body massage with special attention to the shoulders, lower back, and hips.