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The SkinRN
Please read before booking
*Calendar opens monthly, please do not book in next month even if you see available dates
*Product orders: Shipping ONLY; NO Pickup offered
*If you are sick, please contact us ASAP. Do not come to your appointment. If you do not contact us, you will be considered a no call/show
*Must book 48 hrs in advance, appointments must be canceled within 24 hours, if not a fee will apply.
*Appointment confirmations are sent via text/email. If you did not receive a confirmation, your appointment is not booked. Please contact The SkinRN.
*A NON-REFUNDABLE BOOKING FEE of 50% is due when you book your appointment. It goes toward your service and you pay the remainder at your appointment (Exact cash or card only. Zelle, Venmo, Apple Pay, Cash App is not accepted)
*There is a 10 minute grace period, after 15 minutes your appointment will be canceled and new deposit will have to be paid to book a new appointment. *Late arrival will also shorten the length of your service
*NO CALL/NO SHOWS will be charged the full remainder of service.
*No extra guest/kids allowed
*Groupon Clients: Vouchers are only honored for first time clients only. Do not purchase or repurchase multiple vouchers because they will not be honored.