60-minute Massage
1 hour
A customized therapeutic massage using light to deep pressure blending techniques from classic Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Neuromuscular therapy. This treatment is relaxing yet effective, relieving muscle tension, stress, and stimulating circulation to the body tissues.
75-minute Massage
1 hour, 15 minutes
A customized therapeutic massage using light to deep pressure blending techniques from classic Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Neuromuscular therapy. This treatment is relaxing yet effective, relieving muscle tension, stress, and stimulating circulation to the body tissues.
90-minute Massage
1 hour, 30 minutes
A customized therapeutic massage using light to deep pressure blending techniques from classic Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Neuromuscular therapy. This treatment is relaxing yet effective, relieving muscle tension, stress, and stimulating circulation to the body tissues.