IV Slim Drip
45 minutes
✨MIC Lipotropic Amino Acid Blend

Breaks down fat cells, regulates blood sugar, and reduces energy “crash” while balancing healthy cholesterol levels, and supporting a healthy liver- improving detox pathways. Detoxifies amines which are by-products of protein metabolism – may suppress appetite.


Increases good cholesterol (HDL), lowers bad cholesterol (LDL), may aid type II Diabetes treatment or insulin resistance, and helps regulate blood sugar.


Transports fatty acids from the blood into the mitochondria to be used as energy, which is stored in the muscle, brain, and heart.

✨B Vitamins

Promotes energy production, a healthy metabolism, RBC, immune support, mental clarity, mood improvement, and mitochondria support.


The most powerful antioxidant, glutathione fights signs of aging and free radicals, supports healthy liver function, improves brain function, heals damaged nerves, repairs cells, is a natural chelator, and improves skin complexion.