8 Session Speed Power School
due every 4 weeks
PA United’s Speed and Power school gets right to the point of developing force. If you are looking for a place to learn and develop your speed. You have come to the right place!

Training Example:
1. Acceleration -
2. Posture and Force Application -
3. Push Mechanics
4. Plyometrics
5. Force Production

With this Subscription athlete can select two training classes per week. Client is auto billed at the end of the 4 weeks.

Client agrees to a minimum contract of 3 (8 session terms) @ $150 each. To cancel membership please email PA United two weeks before next bill is scheduled to charge. Early Cancel Fee: 30% remaining balance due at time of cancellation.

Email: PaUnitedsports@gmail.com

After 3 payments: The contract will continue month to month and can be cancelled at any time.

Make up sessions are only offered if classes are canceled by PA United. (Not if an athlete does not attend a class)

Bring your intensity and Let’s get started!