Melanie Rose
Melanie is a natural Psychic Medium. Since early childhood, she has perceived energy in an extrasensory way. She began her journey of the development of those natural abilities.
Melanie studies at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in England as well as Ershamstar School of Mediumship, UK. and The International School of Clairvoyance, US. She continues to sit in many other groups for training & enhancement.
Other areas of her work include:
*Animal communication (living or passed)
*Tarot or Oracle card readings
*Trance Mediumship (going into trance to allow spirit communication, spoken, written or otherwise)
*Trance Healing
*Remote Viewing (the practice of seeking with the mind, impressions about a distant or unseen object, person, event or location)
*Art Mediumship (drawing spirit)
*Sound Healing
and most recently, *Psychic Detective work