Puppy School (Saturday)
6 classes
1 hour
For puppies 6 months old or younger with age appropriate vaccination status!

This is a 6 week class designed for socialization and positive exposure to new people, dogs, textures, and sounds in a public place. Instruction will include potty training advice, crate/confinement training suggestions, how to curb puppy mouthing/nipping, and some introduction to some basic manners skills such as sit, come, wait, and leash walking.

Where appropriate, we will also introduce some play time between well-matched puppies and discuss what healthy play looks like, how to advocate for our dogs to keep our dogs enjoying play, and when and how to stop play that's getting out of hand.

This class is strictly Fear Free and positive reinforcement based, meaning no choke chains, no prong collars, no E-collars. Please bring your puppy on a comfortable collar or harness and a standard 6 foot leash. NO retractable leashes!

Bring 1-2 cups of pinky nail sized soft treats (you can use a freeze dried dog food like Dr. Marty's to replace pup's breakfast if you'd like)! We use a LOT of food, so while sometimes we use very high value treat food like cheese or a chicken nugget, we can't use that all the time or it will be unhealthy.

This class will meet at 112A Stockhouse Road Bozrah CT.
Good Dog Skills
6 classes
1 hour
For dogs older than 6 months who have at LEAST one private lesson or have previously completed a group class with KBDB or another training organization. Puppy PlaySchool grads are welcome to join regardless of age.

*This class is designed for NON-reactive dogs. If your dog barks continuously, growls, lunges or in general cannot tolerate dogs or people within 15-20 feet of them, please select a private lesson instead!*

This is a 6 week class for challenging our basic Good Dog skills such as sit, down, come, wait, and leash walking, as well as practicing polite greetings and management practices to prevent undesired behavior.

This class is Fear Free and positive reinforcement based, meaning no choke chains, no prong collars, no E-collars, no slip leashes. Please bring your dog on a comfortable collar or secure harness and a standard 6 foot leash. NO retractable leashes!

Bring 1-2 cups of pinky nail sized soft treats (you can use a freeze dried dog food like Dr. Marty's to replace pup's dinner if you'd like)! Bring sometoghing your d REALLY likes as they are likely to be distracted in the challenging space! Skip dinner or only give a half portion if you think pup needs more motivation!

This class will meet at 112A Stockhouse Road in Bozrah, at the Dogs by the Dozen facility. It's the blue building at the front of that lot, along the road. Please do not park in the rear!
AKC Novice Tricks Class
4 classes
1 hour
This AKC novice tricks class will prepare students to complete their TKN title. All following tricks will be taught over the course of class according to AKC definitions of each trick:

Get Your Leash/Brush/Toy
Fetch it and Give
Balance Beam
Find it
High Five
Hold 3 Seconds

TKN requires ten tricks to be performed for the evaluator a minimum of one successful repetition. If the dog has a CGC on record, the dog only needs to perform 5 additional tricks. TKN allows using food or toys to lure the dog into position unless otherwise stated. Tricks used for this title are not allowed to be repeated in subsequent titles, however more advanced forms of these tricks may be performed for future tiles (ie hold vs hold while walking).

This class runs for 4 weeks. Graduation and evaluation will be 11/29.

Bring plenty of motivators for your dog! Treats, toys that don't squeak, enthusiasm, etc. We will be building these skills using positive reinforcement techniques including luring, shaping, and capturing. Dogs may only attend wearing a comfortable flat or martingale collar or *secure* comfortable harness and no longer than 6 foot leash. No prong, slip, choke, or e-collars are permitted in this class.