60 Minute Reflexology Massage
1 hour
60 minute session combining reflexology and Swedish techniques.
Reiki Session (1 hour)
1 hour
A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
60 Minute Prenatal Massage
1 hour
60 minute massage for individuals who are currently pregnant. Therapist provides several pillows for proper bolstering and support. Additional forms required.
60 Minute Lymphatic Massage (MLD)
1 hour
This one hour service provides light massage strokes to encourage movement of the lymph fluid to rid the body of excess waste material.
90 Minute Initial Lymphatic Massage
1 hour, 30 minutes
This service includes an initial consultation to make sure lymphatic massage, or MLD, is the right fit for the client, followed directly by lymphatic massage.

The initial consultation is required for all clients who have not received a lymphatic massage from Indigo.
60 Minute Stretch
1 hour
Full body stretch service using dynamic and static stretching techniques. Client is fully clothed in workout clothes (t-shirt and sweats/yoga pants).
MLD Consultation
20 minutes
Initial consultation with MLD provider to review medical history to determine if MLD is an appropriate treatment. Required for all new MLD patients.