Hippie Dog Behavior Packages
Visit our website for more details on individual packages.
**Behavior packages address only the specific behavior outlined within that package. For addressing more than 1 type of behavior issue, you can purchase more than 1 package.**
Feeling lost? Book our Talk to a Trainer Consult Call.
Puppy Headstart Package
Private training for your new puppy.
For puppies 8-20 weeks old.
Talk to a Trainer Consult Call
(New Clients) Feeling lost? Book our Talk to a Trainer Consult Call with different levels of expert experience
See website for more details.
Current Clients (Book Here)
Current Clients that have purchased behavior or a puppy packages or current clients that want to book a session after they completed their behavior packages.
Outdoor Dog Centered Classes Sign Up
Outdoor Dog Centered Classes. Drop in packages.