Level 3 Diagnostics - Car is not starting
1 hour
***UNDERSTAND THIS IS A DIAGNOSTICS ONLY! 💢💢💢30% of the diagnostics fee will go towards the recommended repair if approved by you the same day 💢💢💢

What is a "no-start" condition?

When you turn the key and hear the engine trying to turn over but the engine does not start, the vehicle is in need of a no-start diagnosis. This test focuses on understanding what is preventing the engine from starting, and how it's happening.


In our experience, it is unlikely that the battery is dead. Your car may have a problem with the fuel or ignition system, or there is a mechanical damage (e.g. broken belt).

We recommend:

Car is not starting (Inspection)

How it works

Mechanic will test the fuel, ignition, electrical and mechanical components of the engine. They will provide a diagnostic report and a quote for recommended repair(s) (30% off). The mechanic will book a follow-up appointment to perform the repair(s) and will bring the necessary parts and tools.