Ortho Bionomy Phase Four:The Etremities
14 hours
Ortho-Bionomy® Fundamentals for the Extremities
    •    Sat, Jan 11, 2025  9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    •    Sun, Jan 12, 2025  9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    •    Marilyn Pilates • 435 W Oak St Suite C • Cottage Grove, WI
Ortho-Bionomy Fundamentals: Extremities covers the history, philosophy and basic concepts of Ortho-Bionomy. In this class you will observe and practice specific techniques for releasing imbalances of the shoulder girdle, arm, elbow, wrist and hand; hip, leg, knee, ankle and foot. These techniques result in the release of pain and neuromuscular tension patterns, promoting expanded range of motion, increased circulation and a greater sense of well-being.

Course Description
Ortho-Bionomy Fundamentals: Extremities covers the history, philosophy and basic concepts of Ortho-Bionomy. In this class you will observe and practice specific techniques for releasing imbalances of the shoulder girdle, arm, elbow, wrist and hand; hip, leg, knee, ankle and foot. These techniques result in the release of pain and neuromuscular tension patterns, promoting expanded range of motion, increased circulation and a greater sense of well-being.
Ortho-Bionomy techniques are highly effective, easy to learn, easy on your body, and combine well with other bodywork and complimentary healing systems. You will discover ways to:
    •    Help relieve pain gently, without causing pain
    •    Work with common problems of the extremities
    •    Release sensitive (trigger) points with little or no effort
    •    Experience and understand the natural reflexes of the body
    •    Develop your sensitivity to the subtle, structural changes that promote healing
    •    $300 before Dec 20, 2024*
    •    $350 after Dec 20, 2024*
* Society of Ortho-Bionomy members receive an additional $10 discount

Ortho-Bionomy Fundamentals: Extremities is a foundation and prerequisite class for all further training in Ortho-Bionomy. Completion of this class provides 16 units of Phase Four instruction towards completion of the Ortho-Bionomy Registered Practitioner Training Program and 16 NCBTMB CEs. Participants who attend both days of this class will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

What others have said about this course
“This was an excellent learning experience  and I know I will be able to incorporate this into my practice.”
“An invaluable experience!”
“Morel does a great job of relaying a lot of information in a short time in an enjoyable manner.”