MOVE IN STARTS AT 280 price increase with size or condition
5 hours
Deep include sweeping dusting mopping vacuuming all high dusting ceiling fans and fixtures and vents wet wiping baseboards doors blinds window ceils light plans switch cleaning kitchen inside microwave cabinets front, appliances front , cleaning bathrooms ridding mold mildew soap scum, pulling trash.
Includes inside of all cabinetry oven microwave refrigerator sweep and mop garage

Apartments start at $280.00

Houses are $380 for 1500 ft.² and under

Houses $480 2000 ft.² and under

Homes that are larger. Please send me over a text at 470-848-9598 with your name and quote for a move out With Square ft total.
Ex. “Jane i need a quote for 5600 sq ft.”
I will provide you with the price.