Nutrition/ Wellness/ Muscle Testing/ biofeedback
1 hour, 30 minutes
health history deep dive where I find out everything about you, your health struggles, symptoms and background. I perform a muscle stress test to assess your body and look for ‘weaknesses’ to learn which areas we need to work on for you to reach optimal health. I customize a wellness plan designed to support you with achievable steps towards overcoming your health challenges and reaching your wellness goals.

Includes dietary education
Energy Work/REIKI Session
1 hour, 30 minutes
Energy Work can activate the innate intelligence of the body by assisting your movement towards a more conscious relationship with your body. The body itself is a living metaphor that mirrors your mind, emotions and spirit. Energy work can amplify your awareness of its messages and metaphors rather than storing them, and provide a profound opportunity to transcend our physical genetics, and an unparalleled opportunity for personal evolution.

$108 for 90mins $1/min afterwards
Private Yoga Lesson
1 hour
1-on-1 yoga and meditation in studio or online
Includes numerology, and personalize program
Compassionate Warrior Workshop
3 hours
transcend conflict thru the heart of compassion.

- How conflict in our lives can be a reflection of our own psyche
-How inner conflict between our Higher Self and ego shows up in our relationships
-The cycle of disempowerment
-The 4 most destructive relationship behaviors and their antidotes
-4 most common inner child wounds
-The Power of Self Love & Forgiveness
-Tools for Self Care
- Peace thru coempowerment
-Power of Prayer in projecting the Highest Potential for all involved.
Enlightened Tribe
ENLIGHTENED TRIBE is a monthly membership to unlimited online AND in person classes, daily meditations, 30 min workouts, yogic community, healthy lifestyle practices, astrology insights, and much more for ($45/month)
There are no contracts, and you can cancel anytime with no additional fees.
Enlightened 30 day Program
1 hour
Enlightened 30 Includes:
You will also receive:

30 day meal plan
Weekly grocery lists and recipes
Cleanse recipes and food diary
Shake recipes
Discounted personal consultation with me
Private Facebook forum
Supportive material and blogs
Bonus vegetarian meal plan
Biofeedback introductory
1 hour, 30 minutes
Quantum biofeedback
Introductory rate to be used in combination with nutritional counseling or energy works services
Sessions are usually 90 mins
Recheck appt