Discovery Call
20 minutes
Complimentary phone or video conversation to discuss a current stressor and identify ways to receive support.
Virtual Chakra Tuneup With Oracle Reading⛲️
50 minutes
It’s time for a virtual energetic tune up!

Within the session you’ll become clear on next steps in your life, move energetic blocks, free your heart chakra, and release your inner stress.

Session includes a check in to understand what’s going on, followed by an in depth chakra clearing using various healing modalities which can include

🌟Reiki Healing
📖 Akashic Reading
🌈 Color Healing
🪨 Crystal Healing
📜Oracle Reading
Holistic coaching
A trauma informed coaching session to support you on your healing journey.

Within our sessions we’ll use various complementary healing techniques to assist you in resolving personal, social, or professional problems you’re currently struggling with.

Using a holistic approach we’ll discuss aspects of your thoughts, habits, relationships, career, and spiritual practice to understand where you’re struggling the most.
In Person Energy Tune Up
1 hour, 30 minutes
It’s time for an energetic tune up in person!

Within the session you’ll become clear on next steps in your life, move energetic blocks, free your heart chakra, and release your inner stress.

Session includes a check in to understand what’s going on, followed by an in depth chakra clearing using various healing modalities which can include

🌟Reiki Healing
🎼 Sound Healing
🌈 Color Healing
🪨 Crystal Healing
ESA Letter Evaluation
30 minutes
Qualify for an ESA letter which will help provide you the ability to live with your Emotional Support Animal, save money so you won’t be charged an extra fee for a deposit for a rental property, and fly with your Emotional Support Animal in the cabin.