Ayurvedic Oil Massage; Abhyanga
1 hour
Ayurveda's luxurious and signature massage is a soothing, rhythmic full-body massage that promotes arterial and lymphatic circulation and drainage that facilitates cleansing, rejuvenation, and deep relaxation. The warm Ayurvedic massage oils are selected according to your dosha and condition. Session completes with a warm towel compress.

Price reflects our $10 holiday special discount thru July 8, 2024
Ayurvedic Deep Tissue Massage; Vishesh
1 hour
VISHESH is a vigorous, stimulating massage activates circulation, breaks up toxic adhesions, stimulates lymphatic flow and guides impurities out of the body. Warm Ayurvedic herbalized oil, selected according to your Ayurvedic constitution and condition are used.
Session completes with a warm towel compress.
Brain and Nervous System Rejuvenation; Shirodhara
1 hour
SHIRODHARA is good for brain health and nourishment, and soothing and calming the nervous system, by synchronizing brain waves, stilling the mind, enhancing blood circulation to the brain, nourishing the hair and scalp and aiding in the release of stress and tension, it is energizing yet relaxing.  Session includes a massage to the head neck and face followed by warm Ayurvedic oil poured in a gentle stream onto the forehead followed by a rest period and warm towel compress.

We recommend combining with Abhyanga Massage for optimal benefit.
Ayurvedic Sinus Treatment - Clarity & Allergy; SANS/Head Massage/Nasya/Steam
1 hour
NASYA (herbalized oil nose drops), Remove impurities from the sinuses, head and neck, and balances prana and energy.

NASYA/SANS (Sinus Abhyanga Nasya, Steam) is a treatment used as a sinus/allergy treatment that also balances energy and the nervous system and promotes clarity.

It is a full head, neck, shoulder, and face massage, followed by aromatic full body steam and Ayurvedic nose drops prepared according to your needs, that clear impurities from the head and neck, open sinuses, and stimulate the lymphatic system and circulation to the brain, balancing the brain and the nervous system for detoxification, energy flow and relaxation.  

The procedure relieves neck pain, removes impurities from the sinuses, head and neck, strengthening the nasal passages, and balancing the nervous system and is effective for sinus congestion and allergies, promotes vitality, as it balances the nervous system.

This procedure is effective for:
Sinus congestion and allergies
Promotes mental clarity and vitality
Balances prana/vata and energy
Neck pain

For addressing chronic issues, we recommend an Ayurvedic Discovery, and combining with full body Oil Massage - Abhyanga
Ayurvedic Body Scrub - Deep Detox - Weight Loss; Udhvartana
1 hour
UDVARTANA is a stimulating massage and body scrub with herbal powders and warm oils to powerfully exfoliate and deeply detoxify the tissues, recommended in Ayurveda for purification, weight loss, lymphatic drainage, circulation, musculoskeletal problems, and deep detoxification.

We recommend combining with Nadi Swedana (herbal steam), when appropriate, for optimal benefits.
Skin Therapy - Deep Cleanse and Tone; Abhyanga Massage and Full Body Clay Mask
1 hour, 45 minutes
FULL BODY CLAY MASK has been used for thousands of years with a variety of healing and beauty benefits including their anti-inflammatory properties. Mud and its minerals can help alleviate aches and muscle pains. Another mud mask advantage is the soothing effect, and its minerals, including sodium, magnesium and potassium, have on the skin. The benefits are enhanced with the addition of Ayurvedic herbs in right combination with a variety of clays and powerful and potent herbal extracts, as recommended by Ayurveda, to make the final product used for this treatment effective and long lasting. 
Full body clay mask is combined with an Abhyanga Massage for a deeply cleansing and nourishing treatment.

ABHYANGA MASSAGE is a soothing, rhythmic full-body massage that promotes arterial and lymphatic circulation and drainage that facilitates cleansing, rejuvenation, and deep relaxation. The warm Ayurvedic oils are selected according to your dosha and condition. Session completes with a warm towel compress.

The procedure is effective for:
Alleviates pain and muscle aches
Improves skin health and luster
Ayurvedic Energy Point Therapy - Subtle & Balancing; Marma Chikitsa
1 hour
MARMA CHIKITSA Marma Therapy, utilizes stimulation of Marma points that are vital energy points on the body, that can be used as a diagnostic tool as well as for healing and balancing and affecting the body, mind and consciousness. Marmani will either be stimulated or calmed, purified or nourished, providing increased circulation, nourishment, relaxation, and ultimately open the doorway to deeper consciousness, clear perception, awareness and healing.

The session includes light or deep pressure to specific points with Ayurvedic Aroma Therapy. We use only the finest high quality organic essential oils, tailored to your unique constitution.  We may also use gem stones, vibrational tuning fork, and Chakra Balancing, tailored to the unique needs of the client as per their constitution, age, and condition.

This is a subtle treatment that is done fully clothed.

We recommend combining with shirodhara for optimal benefits.
Ayurvedic Back Therapy; Kati Basti
45 minutes
KATI BASTI, Back Therapy, is deeply nourishing to the spine and relaxing to the body and mind. It is a useful treatment of the back, kidney, adrenal, excretory and urinary conditions. A well made of flour is placed around the spine and then filled with warm Ayurvedic herbalized oil, selected according to your Ayurvedic constitution and condition.
This procedure is effective for:
Back pain
Kidney and adrenal fatigue
Excretory and urinary conditions

We recommend combining with Abhyanga Massage for optimal benefit
Ayurvedic Knee Therapy; Janu Basti
45 minutes
JANU BASTI, Knee Therapy, is deeply nourishing and useful treatment for the knees and relaxing to the body and mind.
A well made of flour is placed around the knees and then filled with warm Ayurvedic herbalized oil, selected according to your Ayurvedic constitution and condition. The herbal oil used in the procedure lubricates and maintains the integrity of the structures involved in the knee joint.

The procedure is effective for:
• Pain Management
• Joint Mobility
• Osteoarthritis
• Osteoporosis

We recommend combining with Abhyanga Massage for optimal benefit.
Ayurvedic Heart Health & Chest Therapy; Hridaya Basti
45 minutes
HRIDAYA BASTI, Heart Therapy, also known as URO Basti, Chest Therapy, is an oil bath on the heart and chest region to nourish and strengthen the heart. The procedure is effective for cardiac health, improves circulation and respiration, relieves deep seated stress, anger and grief and provides a sense of peace and happiness.
This procedure is effective for:
Heart Disease
Respiratory Health

We recommend combining with Abhyanga Massage for optimal benefit.
Silk Glove Exfoliation, Garshana, Add On
30 minutes
GARSHANA is a silk glove massage that exfoliates the skin, stimulates lymphatic flow and drainage and improves agni or metabolism of the skin, making it a purposeful preparation for the Abhyanga Massage and is offered in this combination and may be added to other treatments when indicated.

This is not offered as a stand alone treatment, but may be selected as an add on to another massage service.
Swedana, Heat Therapies, Add On
30 minutes
Add an Ayurvedic Heat Therapy to a massage, used typically as a treatment for various vata vyadhi or a preparation procedure for panchakarma depending upon your condition.

Swedana stimulates sweat glands to increase perspiration and circulation. It alleviates vitiated vata and kapha dosha. It helps reduce pain, stiffness, heaviness and coldness in the body and indicated in asthma, cough, running nose, sinusitis, flatulence, constipation, heaviness, stiffness, joint pain, musculoskeletal pain, spasticity and various vata vyadhi like paralysis, osteoarthritis, low back ache, etc.

Contraindicated for: dehydration, weakness, very dry skin, dizziness, ascites, inflammation, edema, fever, anemia, jaundice, after consumption of alcohol, during pregnancy or menstruation.

Sweating therapy is adapted to the individual, combined with proper herbs and applied with consideration to the imbalance, season, and organ affected to be effective. 

Types of Swedana:

PINDA SWEDANA a bolus prepared with herbs or pastes and heated to induce sweating. Aching joints and muscles are massaged vigorously with warm herbal bags, draining toxins and giving relief to pain and tension in the affected areas, relieving musculoskeletal problems like rheumatoid arthritis. We offer a variety of pinda sweda according to what is indicated.

NADI SWEDANA seated steam box with herbalizezd herbal steam.

UPANAHA SWEDANA sweating is induced with a paste, bandage or poultice, according to indications.