Early Sinus Treatment; Head Massage, Nasya, Steam and Pranayama-Online June 7
6 hours
Nasya means that which is good for the nose, SAN is Sagittal Sinus Abhyanga Nasya, and Pranayama directs the breath through the sinuses in and out and within the body, strengthening the circulatory and respiratory systems.

Nasya/Sans Treatment is used as a sinus and allergy treatment that also balances energy and promotes clarity. It is a full head, neck, shoulder, and face massage, followed by aromatic full body steam and Ayurvedic nose oil that clear impurities from the head and neck, open sinuses, and the lymphatic system and stimulate detoxification, circulation and energy flow. The procedure relieves neck pain, removes impurities from the sinuses, head and neck, strengthening the nasal passages, and balancing the nervous system and is effective for sinus congestion and allergies, promotes vitality, as it balances the nervous system.

Students will perform Ayurvedic head, neck and face massage, full body aromatic steam, therapeutic nasya treatment and specific pranayama practice, along with bhandas and learn the forms of prana, and how to work with them through principles of Ayurvedic Medicine for appropriate breathing practices and the accompanying Ayurvedic foundation and theory to understand its purpose, and appropriate adaptations and contraindications for each Ayurvedic constitution and condition, for optimal practice, benefit and safety.

6 CEU's for CEBroker Approved Provider #50-19283, NCBTMB Approved Provider #1192 and NAMA-PAC
Early Bird thru May 6, 202