Early Bird: Group Ayurvedic Detox & Rejuvenate Fall 2024 Program Online 9/21
4 sessions
Fall Detox & Rejuvenation 2024!!!
Participate In Our Group 4 Part Detox & Rejuvenate Program.
Learn how you can make a difference in your health through strategic Ayurvedic Detox and Rejuvenation. Our program includes tips for regaining focus, managing stress, up-leveling habits, sleeping and eating better, and improved digestion and elimination with cooking class, supportive Ayurvedic education and assessment techniques and integrative Yoga Nidra practices to support the transformative nature and purpose of this program.

This is an immersive and transformative experience, with a total reset this spring, in a supportive group format, where you can get more for less and have support and fun doing purposeful self care.

Module 1: September 21, 2024, 9:00am-4:00pm, Provides a workshop experience including Ayurvedic education with detailed instructions and cooking class.

Module 2: Date October 5, 2024, 9:00am-noon. Students will receive additional materials and participate in a guided inquiry and meditation to establish deeper clarity and set intentions to assist the process.

Module 3: Independent Cleansing October 6-10, 2024, w/Chaya available as needed. Chaya's Yoga Nidra recordings recommended and access is included.

Module 4: October 11, 2024, 9:00am-noon. Students return for Final Integration, Sharing, Visioning For Their Health and Closing.

Discounts on Ayurvedic Massage & Bodywork available.
Additional information on the registration form and on our website