30 Minute Massage
30 minutes
A partial body massage that is a good choice for a client who either has never had a massage before or someone who just needs a quick massage focusing on one problem area.
1hr Massage
1 hour
One hour of massaging soft body tissues to relieve discomfort, increase circulation, and promote a general sense of relaxation.
1hr Massage with Hot Stones
1 hour
Hot stones will be incorporated into the massage, warming the muscles and helping them relax.
90 Minute Massage
1 hour, 30 minutes
A 90 minute massage gives you more time to help reduce stress, lessen pain and muscle tightness, increase relaxation, and improve the work of the immune system.
90 Minute Massage with Hot Stones
1 hour, 30 minutes
Hot Stones will be used throughout this 90 minute massage, warming the muscles to ease tension.
1 Hour Massage
This gift certificate is good for a 1 hour massage.
90 Minute Massage
This gift certificate is good for a 90 minute massage
1 Hour Massage with Hot Stones
This gift certificate is good for a 1 hour massage with a hot stone add-on.
90 Minute Massage with Hot Stones
This gift certificate is good for a 90 minute massage with a hot stone add-on.