This 15-minute phone or virtual call is a chance for us to meet and connect! I can answer questions, make program recommendations, or guide you on a path that makes sense for you and/or your loved ones.
1:1 Embodied Expressive Arts Sessions
Join Liberation, a weekly virtual dance and movement class designed for people who want to break free from the daily grind and explore the transformative power of dynamic and expressive dance. Led by an experienced dance instructor and somatic practitioner, you'll unlock the potential of your body and mind, discover new levels of physical strength, flexibility, and fluidity, and connect with a community of others.
After taking Liberation, you'll feel energized, strengthened, and enlivened. You'll experience a sense of physical and emotional liberation, and develop greater self-awareness, compassion, and confidence. So, if you're ready to transform the way you move, think, and feel, join Liberation today!
Expressive Somatic Circle
Welcome! I appreciate your interest in the Women's Expressive Somatic Circle! I welcome you to join this community of amazing women.
As a participant in this circle, you'll have the opportunity to connect with a group of women as we share support, resources, and wisdom, and stand as a compassionate witness to each other's journeys.
Every other week, our virtual gatherings will include somatic (breathwork, meditation, body tracking) and expressive arts practices (writing, moving, sound, song) designed to help you connect with your inner wisdom, cultivate a deeper self-awareness, and build resilience to manage stress and overwhelm. You'll also have the opportunity to learn from other women and share your own experiences and insights if you choose. (All shares are opt-in.)
Our meeting time: Tuesdays, 6-7pm PST, every other week
*Starting Tuesday, August 8th!
If you are serious about joining the circle, I ask that you commit to being a part of the group for a minimum of 3 months, or 6 sessions. This is to protect and nurture the sacred nature of our small group, and to provide a sense of consistency and continuity within the container.
The Intake Form and Commitment Agreement must be completed before Friday, August 4th to participate in our first group session!
Women's Restorative Retreat (Portland)
This complimentary 20-minute consultation call allows you to meet Annika and learn more about the programs offered through Carve Lab. Annika will answer questions and provide insight into ways to best support you and/or your studio.
Embodied Pedagogy (Teacher Training)
This teacher training speaks to the importance of the role of a dance teacher, and how, if utilizing the right techniques, dance instructors can be very effective educators. We discuss class management, teaching language, choreography, stress management, and intentional teaching. In this experiential training, we become aware of personal habits, mental patterns, identify current and future stressors, and implement systems for burnout prevention and self-care as a way of cultivating resilience through the dance year.
Early Childhood Dance Teacher Training
This training covers everything toddler-related! We cover class environment, behavioral management, age-appropriate language, how to introduce concepts and skills, choreography tools, and more.
*I welcome and encourage teen students who may be interested in teaching to join this training, as it is a perfect entry point to teaching and may allow them to become assistants or subs in the future!
*The training is helpful for current staff who do not typically teach this age group but who may want to expand their skillset or substitute early childhood classes with confidence.
Studio Staff & Instructor Retreat
This is a space for you and your staff to receive a little R&R. It’s a chance to relax, tune in, notice where stress lives in your body, and identify what you are needing more or less of in your life. This virtual retreat allows you to be in the comfort of your own space while tuning into what is present, your breath, and your sensations. It’s a chance to nurture yourself and to identify how you can show up to the studio with more presence, awareness, and with tools for managing stress and preventing burnout.
Shift Retreat [In-Studio] Weekend
Shift Retreats include workshops for dancers (ages 8-12 & 13-18), staff, dance instructors, and parents.
This is a time when everyone in your dance studio environment can learn to manage stress, feel nurtured and supported, and learn to speak the same language around care and support.
These retreats bring the studio community closer, highlight the personhood of ALL who enter the dance studio, and create a sense of nourishment within the studio environment.
*These weekends are customizable and can also include in-person teacher training.
When scheduling, please note that a Shift Retreat is a weekend-long event (which includes either a Saturday or Sunday or a Friday and Saturday. Please schedule the *starting day* of your retreat.